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During activation of Lake County's Emergency Operations Center, this page will hold key information, such as sandbags and shelter locations, for residents to utilize before, during, and after a storm.

Recent Emergency Safety Information News

Road Safety & Road Closures

Updated 1/24/2025 1:47:25 PM
  • Britt Road near Horse Ranch Road

Emergency Orders

Updated 1/10/2025 1:02:23 PM

Boat Ramps

Updated 11/22/2024 4:40:48 PM

The following boat ramps will be closed during Hurricane Milton and will remain closed until water levels recede and it is safe to launch and retrieve watercraft.

A notice will be posted once the ramps are scheduled to reopen. For more information, please call Parks and Water Resources at 352-253-4950.


Solid Waste Information

Updated 11/4/2024 8:22:14 AM

Storm Debris Pickup Eligibility

Eligible for Debris Removal

  • Public Property
  • Public right-of-ways on maintained and unmaintained county roads
  • Unincorporated Lake County private roads (covered by Letter of Intent; removes Right of Entry (ROE Forms)
  • Debris from private property placed on public right of ways (this has a limited timeframe)

Ineligible for Debris Removal

  • Gated communities
  • Debris placed on public right of ways from commercial property.
  • Debris removal from private property where it is not brought to the right of way
  • Debris from agricultural land
  • Debris removal from natural, unimproved land, such as forests
  • New construction debris (materials related to construction, repair, or renovation)
  • Debris generated by a private/commercial tree crew

Collection Guidelines

  • Place garbage and recycling carts at least 3 feet away from any other debris allowing the garbage truck access to the carts.
  • Normal Yard waste must adhere to the size limit for curbside collection (4 cubic yards).
  • Large yard debris from Hurricane Milton should be separated from regular yard waste.

Bulk Collection

  • Bulk collection has resumed regular pickup.

Convenience Centers

Convenience Centers will be open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the days they are scheduled to be open. Please see the facility information below for location, what days each facility is open, etc.


  Address Phone
Central Facility Drop-off
Accepts construction and demolition debris.
13130 County Landfill Rd.
Tavares, 32778
Accepts construction and demolition debris.
54711 Astor Transfer Station Rd.
Astor, 32102
Clermont (Loghouse)
Accepts construction and demolition debris.
10435 Log House Rd.
Clermont, 34711
Lady Lake 1200 Jackson St.
Lady Lake, 32159
Paisley 25014 Rancho Ln.
Paisley, 32767
Pine Lakes 32520 W. SR 44
DeLand, 32720

Facility Schedules

Updated weekly while hours are extended in response to Hurricane Milton.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Central Central Central Central Central Central Central
Log House Log House Log House Log House Log House Log House Log House
Astor Astor Astor Astor Astor Astor Astor
    Lady Lake       Lady Lake
      Paisley     Paisley
        Pine Lakes   Pine Lakes

Green dots represent locations of trash picked up.



Operation Blue Roof

Updated 10/29/2024 7:23:59 PM
Operation Blue Roof is now accepting applications for 22 counties impacted by Hurricane Milton! This program provides free temporary tarping while you work to permanently repair your roof.
Apply at or call 888-766-3258! This program closes on Nov. 14.



Comfort Stations

Updated 10/29/2024 7:22:20 PM
Lake County has opened comfort stations to support residents impacted by Hurricane Milton. The sites will be open 24 hours daily to provide easy access to:
  • Internet
  • Charging stations for phones and other small devices
  • Laundry machines
  • Showers, bathrooms, and handwashing stations
Residents need to bring their own charging cables, detergents, and soaps.
The Pine Forest Park comfort station is located at Pine Forest Park (32520 State Road 44, Deland). To help residents in the Lake Mack area travel to the site, Lake County is providing a shuttle from the Forest Hills Community Center (31039 Lake Mack Rd. Deland) to the park. The shuttle will transport residents back and forth every 30 minutes.
  • The first trip from Forest Hills Community Center to Comfort Center at Pine Forest Park is at 8 a.m.
  • The last trip from Forest Hills Community Center to Comfort Center at Pine Forest Park is at 4:30 p.m.
  • The last return trip from the Comfort Center at Pine Forest Park to the Community Center is at 5 p.m.
For more information, please call the Citizens Information Line at 352-253-9999.



Scams & Fraud

Updated 10/18/2024 11:08:07 AM

Residents should report any fraudulent activity by contacting their local law enforcement agency's non-emergency line. More info on avoiding scams:

Price Gouging
The law bans unconscionable increases in prices in the rental or sale of essential commodities, which would include lumber, ice, water, chemicals, generators, shelter and other necessary goods and services once a state of emergency has been declared by the governor. It is also unlawful to raise hotel rental rates or housing lease rates under Florida’s price gouging laws.

If you believe a business is price gouging, please report the incident to the State. You can do so by visiting: or calling 1-866-9NO-SCAM.


Citizens Information Line

Updated 10/18/2024 7:52:54 AM

The Citizens Information Line (352-253-9999) is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Please call this line with any storm-related questions or concerns so that our 9-1-1 lines can stay open for life-threatening emergencies.


Flood Water Safety

Updated 10/15/2024 3:20:22 PM

Several areas throughout Lake County experienced flooding following Hurricane Milton. If you live in an impacted area, please follow the guidelines below. For additional questions or non-emergency assistance regarding flooding, contact the Citizens Information Line at 352-253-9999.

General (CDC Safety Guidelines)

  • Stay Out of Flood Water - we don't know exactly what is in floodwater at any given point in time. Floodwater can contain:
    • Downed power lines
    • Human and livestock waste
    • Household, medical, and industrial hazardous waste (chemical, biological, and radiological)
    • Coal ash waste that can contain carcinogenic compounds such as arsenic, chromium, and mercury
    • Other germs and contaminants that can lead to illness
    • Physical objects such as lumber, vehicles, and debris Wild or stray animals such as rodents and snakes
  • Exposure to Contaminated Floodwater Can Cause:
    • Wound infections
    • Skin rash
    • Gastrointestinal illness
    • Tetanus Leptospirosis (not common)
    • Melioidosis (along the Gulf Coast)
    • The best way to protect yourself is to stay out of the water.
  • If You Come in Contact with Floodwater:
    • Wash the area with soap and clean water as soon as possible. If you don't have soap or water, use alcohol-based wipes or sanitizer.
    • Take care of wounds and seek medical attention if necessary.
    • Wash clothes contaminated with flood or sewage water in hot water and detergent before reusing them. If you must enter floodwater, wear rubber boots, rubber gloves, and goggles.


Hurricane Milton caused significant flooding across our community, including several highways, roads, and neighborhoods in and around the Astor, Lake Mack, and Deerhaven areas. For your safety and the safety of others, please follow these precautionary steps when approaching water on a roadway:

  1. Avoid Driving Through Water: If you encounter water on the road, turn around and find an alternate route. Even shallow water can be dangerous.
  2. Drive Slowly: If you must drive through water, enter at 1-2 mph and proceed at 3-4 mph to avoid flooding your engine and losing control.
  3. Stay in the Center: Water tends to be shallowest in the center of the road. Drive in the middle to minimize the risk of hydroplaning.
  4. Keep a Safe Distance: Maintain a greater distance between your vehicle and others to allow extra stoppage time and avoid splashing water onto other cars.
  5. Avoid Hard Braking: Use gentle braking to prevent skidding. If you need to slow down, ease off the accelerator instead of slamming on the brakes.
  6. Check Your Tires: Ensure your tires are correctly inflated and have good tread to provide better traction on wet roads.
  7. Turn on Your Lights: Use your headlights to increase visibility and help other drivers see you.
  8. Dry Your Brakes: After driving through water, lightly tap your brakes to dry them and ensure they work correctly. Remember, your safety is most important.
  9. If the water appears too deep or you are unsure about crossing, it is always best to turn around and find a safer route.

Lepto Dog Vaccines

Updated 10/15/2024 1:08:48 PM

For a limited time, the Lake County Animal Shelter is offering $5 dog vaccines for leptospirosis by appointment at the Lake County Animal Shelter in Tavares. Leptospirosis (commonly known as lepto) a potentially life-threatening bacteria spread through the urine of infected animals, thrives in stagnant water and can be contracted when pets drink or step in these areas.


Storms like Milton displace wildlife such as raccoons and rats, increasing the chances of your pet encountering contaminated floodwaters. The leptospirosis vaccine is an annual immunization that can help prevent leptospirosis being passed from animals to people.


Schedule an appointment:


Individual Assistance

Updated 10/15/2024 1:02:57 PM

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Individual Assistance for Hurricane Milton is available in Lake County. Assistance can help individuals and families with property damage, emergency needs, and other expenses. If you have insurance, you should file a claim with your provider immediately. FEMA assistance cannot help with losses already covered by insurance. Apply now at, on the FEMA mobile app, or by dialing 800-621-3362 (FEMA).

FEMA provides step by step materials to help individuals navigate the application process for applying for disaster recovery assistance. Visit to learn how to apply for assistance. If you applied for assistance prior to Saturday, Oct. 12, you will need to re-apply or appeal your application at:

Food Assistance (SNAP)

Updated 10/15/2024 9:51:02 AM

Replacement of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Lake County residents receiving SNAP benefits will automatically have their accounts replenished. More info:


No Wake Order

Updated 10/13/2024 1:57:44 PM

A countywide No Wake Order is in effect. This order requires all vehicles to travel at idle speed when within 100 feet of a shoreline for all waterbodies in the County. 


Power Outages

Updated 10/10/2024 6:55:35 AM

Are you experiencing a power outage? Call or visit the website of your electric provider to report a utility outage. Phone numbers and application links are below.